$25 per month will provide the following to a child: Teachers' salaries, school uniform, scholastic materials, Water bills, transport, shoes, socks, breakfast & Lunch, a desk, medical services and sanitary pads for girls.

Construction of school Pit latrine

Poor sanitation is a national problem and everybody is responsible, the environmental sanitation status in communities that have primary schools in Uganda falls below the expected standards. Scoping studies and visits to communities, schools and homesteads show that sanitation related diseases like malaria, cholera and diarrhea are the top killer diseases among the children. Hand washing, excreta disposal and safe water chain approaches to sanitation promotion and behavior change is not taken as a priority in Uganda’s schools and homes.

In most schools, girls are faced with poor facilities, inadequate water for washing, lack of soap, no privacy and non-functioning or insufficient toilets. St Philomena Primary School has constructed this toilet to prevent diseases.

Most schools are mixed, in this respect, gender preference boy & girls is a critical factor to consider while addressing the school WASH issues. This is due to the fact that girls have unique WASH needs particularly menstrual hygiene that has got to be put into consideration to enable them study in an environment that is conducive. Gender separation of latrines is, therefore, an issue of great concern. It is important to have latrines for boys and girls separately as it increases privacy of the sanitary facilities for the pupils to use with ease and comfort. The pit latrine shall ensure that those rooms for boys are separated from those for girls. Hence, there is a very urgent need to construct a pit latrine with 6 rooms for boys and 6 rooms for girls.

Expected Results:

  • Improved health of the school children.
  • Increased consideration of gender related issues in WASH programming at schools.
  • Increased school attendance of girls as a result of not fearing how to handle their menstrual period related issues.
  • Reduction in sexual abuse of the girl child

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