Green Village Children Center (GVCC) started as an initiative to provide easy access to education in the 5 villages Kalagala, Lwabikere, Kayunga, Kitenga and Kasana which were badly affected by HIV/AIDS epidemic leaving behind a big number of orphans and needy children.
Education is a right of all children and countries across the world explicitly recognize the right of all citizens to basic education and this is because education is recognized as being important in many ways but mainly Educating children helps to give them a head start and laying a foundation for their holistic development let alone contributing to fighting poverty. Education will give the next generation the tools to fight poverty. Green Village is constructing a school named St Philomena Primary school which offers children a safe environment for supervision and socialization.
St Philomena Primary school is located in Lwabikere village, one of the villages found in Mukungwe sub county of Masaka district. Masaka district is among the rural districts of Uganda and according to the National Bureau of Statistics, of the total population of Uganda that is estimated to be 34,758,809 as of July 2013; nearly 90% live in rural areas. Hence, the disparity due to a particular area being rural is applicable here. All rural districts are characterized by widespread poverty which affects all spheres of life. Hence, the disparity due to poverty is also applicable to the target community. Masaka district where the target community is located was badly hit by the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the 1980s and 1990s. Actually, the number of HIV/AIDS cases is still high in the target community – there are currently over 800 orphans and vulnerable children, of this, 23 are HIV positive. This means that the disparity caused by HIV/AIDS infection is also applicable in the community targeted by the school.
Our Mission, Vision and Goal
Vision: To be fully empowered and secure a society where Orphans and other Vulnerable Children access basic needs and enjoy their rights.
Mission: To strengthen the existing integrated community development approach of Service delivery to respond to the needs and rights of Orphans and other Vulnerable Children.
Goal: To strengthen and scale up Orphans and other Vulnerable Children with programs that reach the most vulnerable children and their households.